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Innovations present in the primate interneuron repertoire

Krienen FM, Goldman M, Zhang Q, C H Del Rosario R, Florio M, Machold R, Saunders A, Levandowski K, Zaniewski H, Schuman B, Wu C, Lutservitz A, Mullally CD, Reed N, Bien E, Bortolin L, Fernandez-Otero M, Lin JD, Wysoker A, Nemesh J, Kulp D, Burns M, Tkachev V, Smith R, Walsh CA, Dimidschstein J, Rudy B, S Kean L, Berretta S, Fishell G, Feng G, McCarroll SA. Nature. 2020 Oct;586(7828):262-269. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2781-z. Epub 2020 Sep 30.

Opportunities and limitations of genetically modified nonhuman primate models for neuroscience research

Feng G, Jensen FE, Greely HT, Okano H, Treue S, Roberts AC, Fox JG, Caddick S, Poo MM, Newsome WT, Morrison JH. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Sep 29;117(39):24022-24031. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2006515117. Epub 2020 Aug 19.

Viral manipulation of functionally distinct interneurons in mice, non-human primates and humans

Vormstein-Schneider D, Lin JD, Pelkey KA, Chittajallu R, Guo B, Arias-Garcia MA, Allaway K, Sakopoulos S, Schneider G, Stevenson O, Vergara J, Sharma J, Zhang Q, Franken TP, Smith J, Ibrahim LA, M Astro KJ, Sabri E, Huang S, Favuzzi E, Burbridge T, Xu Q, Guo L, Vogel I, Sanchez V, Saldi GA, Gorissen BL, Yuan X, Zaghloul KA, Devinsky O, Sabatini BL, Batista-Brito R, Reynolds J, Feng G, Fu Z, McBain CJ, Fishell G, Dimidschstein J. Nat Neurosci. 2020 Dec;23(12):1629-1636. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0692-9. Epub 2020 Aug 17.

The dawn of non-human primate models for neurodevelopmental disorders

Aida T, Feng G. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2020 Dec;65:160-168. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.05.040. Epub 2020 Jul 18.

Distinct subnetworks of the thalamic reticular nucleus

Li Y, Lopez-Huerta VG, Adiconis X, Levandowski K, Choi S, Simmons SK, Arias-Garcia MA, Guo B, Yao AY, Blosser TR, Wimmer RD, Aida T, Atamian A, Naik T, Sun X, Bi D, Malhotra D, Hession CC, Shema R, Gomes M, Li T, Hwang E, Krol A, Kowalczyk M, Peça J, Pan G, Halassa MM, Levin JZ, Fu Z, Feng G. Nature. 2020 Jul;583(7818):819-824. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2504-5. Epub 2020 Jul 22. Read PDF »

Multiplex precise base editing in cynomolgus monkeys

Zhang W, Aida T, Del Rosario RCH, Wilde JJ, Ding C, Zhang X, Baloch Z, Huang Y, Tang Y, Li D, Lu H, Zhou Y, Jiang M, Xu D, Fang Z, Zheng Z, Huang Q, Feng G, Yang S. Nat Commun. 2020 May 11;11(1):2325. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16173-0. Read PDF »

An Ultra-Sensitive Step-Function Opsin for Minimally Invasive Optogenetic Stimulation in Mice and Macaques

Gong X, Mendoza-Halliday D, Ting JT, Kaiser T, Sun X, Bastos AM, Wimmer RD, Guo B, Chen Q, Zhou Y, Pruner M, Wu CW, Park D, Deisseroth K, Barak B, Boyden ES, Miller EK, Halassa MM, Fu Z, Bi G, Desimone R, Feng G. Neuron. 2020 Jul 8;107(1):38-51.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.03.032. Epub 2020 Apr 29.

Close-range vocal interaction in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

Landman R, Sharma J, Hyman JB, Fanucci-Kiss A, Meisner O, Parmar S, Feng G, Desimone R. PLoS One. 2020 Apr 16;15(4):e0227392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227392. eCollection 2020. Read PDF »

Dysfunction of cortical GABAergic neurons leads to sensory hyper-reactivity in a Shank3 mouse model of ASD

Chen Q, Deister CA, Gao X, Guo B, Lynn-Jones T, Chen N, Wells MF, Liu R, Goard MJ, Dimidschstein J, Feng S, Shi Y, Liao W, Lu Z, Fishell G, Moore CI, Feng G. Nat Neurosci. 2020 Apr;23(4):520-532. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0598-6. Epub 2020 Mar 2. Read PDF »

Effects of a patient-derived de novo coding alteration of CACNA1I in mice connect a schizophrenia risk gene with sleep spindle deficits

Ghoshal A, Uygun DS, Yang L, McNally JM, Lopez-Huerta VG, Arias-Garcia MA, Baez-Nieto D, Allen A, Fitzgerald M, Choi S, Zhang Q, Hope JM, Yan K, Mao X, Nicholson TB, Imaizumi K, Fu Z, Feng G, Brown RE, Strecker RE, Purcell SM, Pan JQ. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Jan 23;10(1):29. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-0685-1. Read PDF »

Differential excitatory vs inhibitory SCN expression at single cell level regulates brain sodium channel function in neurodevelopmental disorders

Du J, Simmons S, Brunklaus A, Adiconis X, Hession CC, Fu Z, Li Y, Shema R, Møller RS, Barak B, Feng G, Meisler M, Sanders S, Lerche H, Campbell AJ, McCarroll S, Levin JZ, Lal D. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2020 Jan;24:129-133. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2019.12.019. Epub 2019 Dec 28.

Shank3 mutation in a mouse model of autism leads to changes in the S-nitroso-proteome and affects key proteins involved in vesicle release and synaptic function

Amal H, Barak B, Bhat V, Gong G, Joughin BA, Wang X, Wishnok JS, Feng G, Tannenbaum SR. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 Aug;25(8):1835-1848. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0113-6. Epub 2018 Jul 9. Read PDF »


Combinatorial Targeting of Distributed Forebrain Networks Reverses Noise Hypersensitivity in a Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Nakajima M, Schmitt LI, Feng G, Halassa MM. Neuron. 2019 Nov 6;104(3):488-500.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.09.040. Epub 2019 Oct 21. Read PDF »

A framework for the investigation of rare genetic disorders in neuropsychiatry

Sanders SJ, Sahin M, Hostyk J, Thurm A, Jacquemont S, Avillach P, Douard E, Martin CL, Modi ME, Moreno-De-Luca A, Raznahan A, Anticevic A, Dolmetsch R, Feng G, Geschwind DH, Glahn DC, Goldstein DB, Ledbetter DH, Mulle JG, Pasca SP, Samaco R, Sebat J, Pariser A, Lehner T, Gur RE, Bearden CE. Nat Med. 2019 Oct;25(10):1477-1487. doi: 10.1038/s41591-019-0581-5. Epub 2019 Sep 23. Read PDF »

Efficient generation of Knock-in/Knock-out marmoset embryo via CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing

Kumita W, Sato K, Suzuki Y, Kurotaki Y, Harada T, Zhou Y, Kishi N, Sato K, Aiba A, Sakakibara Y, Feng G, Okano H, Sasaki E. Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 3;9(1):12719. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49110-3. Read PDF »

Remotely controlled chemomagnetic modulation of targeted neural circuits

Rao S, Chen R, LaRocca AA, Christiansen MG, Senko AW, Shi CH, Chiang PH, Varnavides G, Xue J, Zhou Y, Park S, Ding R, Moon J, Feng G, Anikeeva P. Nat Nanotechnol. 2019 Oct;14(10):967-973. doi: 10.1038/s41565-019-0521-z. Epub 2019 Aug 19. Read PDF »

Targeting Peripheral Somatosensory Neurons to Improve Tactile-Related Phenotypes in ASD Models

Orefice LL, Mosko JR, Morency DT, Wells MF, Tasnim A, Mozeika SM, Ye M, Chirila AM, Emanuel AJ, Rankin G, Fame RM, Lehtinen MK, Feng G, Ginty DD. Cell. 2019 Aug 8;178(4):867-886.e24. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.07.024. Read PDF »

Anterior cingulate cortex dysfunction underlies social deficits in Shank3 mutant mice

Guo B, Chen J, Chen Q, Ren K, Feng D, Mao H, Yao H, Yang J, Liu H, Liu Y, Jia F, Qi C, Lynn-Jones T, Hu H, Fu Z, Feng G, Wang W, Wu S. Nat Neurosci. 2019 Aug;22(8):1223-1234. doi: 10.1038/s41593-019-0445-9. Epub 2019 Jul 22. Read PDF »

Tmem119-EGFP and Tmem119-CreERT2 Transgenic Mice for Labeling and Manipulating Microglia

Kaiser T, Feng G. eNeuro. 2019 Aug 26;6(4):ENEURO.0448-18.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0448-18.2019. Print 2019 Jul/Aug. Read PDF »

A VTA GABAergic Neural Circuit Mediates Visually Evoked Innate Defensive Responses

Zhou Z, Liu X, Chen S, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Montardy Q, Tang Y, Wei P, Liu N, Li L, Song R, Lai J, He X, Chen C, Bi G, Feng G, Xu F, Wang L. Neuron. 2019 Aug 7;103(3):473-488.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.027. Epub 2019 Jun 12. Read PDF »

Atypical behaviour and connectivity in SHANK3-mutant macaques

Zhou Y, Sharma J, Ke Q, Landman R, Yuan J, Chen H, Hayden DS, Fisher JW 3rd, Jiang M, Menegas W, Aida T, Yan T, Zou Y, Xu D, Parmar S, Hyman JB, Fanucci-Kiss A, Meisner O, Wang D, Huang Y, Li Y, Bai Y, Ji W, Lai X, Li W, Huang L, Lu Z, Wang L, Anteraper SA, Sur M, Zhou H, Xiang AP, Desimone R, Feng G, Yang S. Nature. 2019 Jun;570(7761):326-331. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1278-0. Epub 2019 Jun 12. Read PDF »

Neuronal deletion of Gtf2i, associated with Williams syndrome, causes behavioral and myelin alterations rescuable by a remyelinating drug

Barak B, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Nir A, Trangle SS, Ennis M, Levandowski KM, Wang D, Quast K, Boulting GL, Li Y, Bayarsaihan D, He Z, Feng G. Nat Neurosci. 2019 May;22(5):700-708. doi: 10.1038/s41593-019-0380-9. Epub 2019 Apr 22. Read PDF »

Abnormal mGluR-mediated synaptic plasticity and autism-like behaviours in Gprasp2 mutant mice

Edfawy M, Guedes JR, Pereira MI, Laranjo M, Carvalho MJ, Gao X, Ferreira PA, Caldeira G, Franco LO, Wang D, Cardoso AL, Feng G, Carvalho AL, Peça J. Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 29;10(1):1431. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09382-9. Read PDF »

Lateral orbitofrontal dysfunction in the Sapap3 knockout mouse model of obsessive–compulsive disorder

Lei H, Lai J, Sun X, Xu Q, Feng G. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2019 Mar 1;44(2):120-131. doi: 10.1503/jpn.180032. Read PDF »

Deep convolutional network for animal sound classification and source attribution using dual audio recordings

Oikarinen T, Srinivasan K, Meisner O, Hyman JB, Parmar S, Fanucci-Kiss A, Desimone R, Landman R, Feng G. J Acoust Soc Am. 2019 Feb;145(2):654. doi: 10.1121/1.5087827. Read PDF »

Two eARCHT3.0 Lines for Optogenetic Silencing of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Neurons

Krol A, Lopez-Huerta VG, Corey TEC, Deisseroth K, Ting JT, Feng G. Front Neural Circuits. 2019 Feb 1;13:4. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2019.00004. eCollection 2019. Read PDF »


Functional Topography and Development of Inhibitory Reticulothalamic Barreloid Projections

Imaizumi K, Yanagawa Y, Feng G, Lee CC. Front Neuroanat. 2018 Oct 31;12:87. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00087. eCollection 2018. Read PDF »

Thrombospondin receptor α2δ-1 promotes synaptogenesis and spinogenesis via postsynaptic Rac1

Risher WC, Kim N, Koh S, Choi JE, Mitev P, Spence EF, Pilaz LJ, Wang D, Feng G, Silver DL, Soderling SH, Yin HH, Eroglu C. J Cell Biol. 2018 Oct 1;217(10):3747-3765. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201802057. Epub 2018 Jul 27. Read PDF »

Dichotomous parvalbumin interneuron populations in dorsolateral and dorsomedial striatum

Monteiro P, Barak B, Zhou Y, McRae R, Rodrigues D, Wickersham IR, Feng G. J Physiol. 2018 Aug;596(16):3695-3707. doi: 10.1113/JP275936. Epub 2018 Jun 9. Read PDF »

Differential Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Internal Capsule and the Striatum on Excessive Grooming in Sapap3 Mutant Mice

Pinhal CM, van den Boom BJG, Santana-Kragelund F, Fellinger L, Bech P, Hamelink R, Feng G, Willuhn I, Feenstra MGP, Denys D. Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Dec 15;84(12):917-925. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.05.011. Epub 2018 May 23.

Combining NGN2 Programming with Developmental Patterning Generates Human Excitatory Neurons with NMDAR-Mediated Synaptic Transmission

Nehme R, Zuccaro E, Ghosh SD, Li C, Sherwood JL, Pietilainen O, Barrett LE, Limone F, Worringer KA, Kommineni S, Zang Y, Cacchiarelli D, Meissner A, Adolfsson R, Haggarty S, Madison J, Muller M, Arlotta P, Fu Z, Feng G, Eggan K. Cell Rep. 2018 May 22;23(8):2509-2523. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.04.066. Read PDF »

Thalamic Reticular Dysfunction as a Circuit Endophenotype in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Krol A, Wimmer RD, Halassa MM, Feng G. Neuron. 2018 Apr 18;98(2):282-295. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.03.021. Read PDF »

Windows of opportunity: timing in neurodevelopmental disorders

Krol A, Feng G. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2018 Feb;48:59-63. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2017.10.014. Epub 2017 Nov 7. Read PDF »


Synaptic Targeting and Function of SAPAPs Mediated by Phosphorylation-Dependent Binding to PSD-95 MAGUKs

Zhu J, Zhou Q, Shang Y, Li H, Peng M, Ke X, Weng Z, Zhang R, Huang X, Li SSC, Feng G, Lu Y, Zhang M. Cell Rep. 2017 Dec 26;21(13):3781-3793. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.11.107. Read PDF »

Alpha2delta-1 in SF1(+) Neurons of the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Is an Essential Regulator of Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis

Felsted JA, Chien CH, Wang D, Panessiti M, Ameroso D, Greenberg A, Feng G, Kong D, Rios M. Cell Rep. 2017 Dec 5;21(10):2737-2747. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.11.048. Read PDF »

Integrating evolutionary and regulatory information with a multispecies approach implicates genes and pathways in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Noh HJ, Tang R, Flannick J, O’Dushlaine C, Swofford R, Howrigan D, Genereux DP, Johnson J, van Grootheest G, Grünblatt E, Andersson E, Djurfeldt DR, Patel PD, Koltookian M, M Hultman C, Pato MT, Pato CN, Rasmussen SA, Jenike MA, Hanna GL, Stewart SE, Knowles JA, Ruhrmann S, Grabe HJ, Wagner M, Rück C, Mathews CA, Walitza S, Cath DC, Feng G, Karlsson EK, Lindblad-Toh K. Nat Commun. 2017 Oct 17;8(1):774. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00831-x. Read PDF »

Genome-wide association analysis identifies 30 new susceptibility loci for schizophrenia

Li Z, Chen J, Yu H, He L, Xu Y, Zhang D, Yi Q, Li C, Li X, Shen J, Song Z, Ji W, Wang M, Zhou J, Chen B, Liu Y, Wang J, Wang P, Yang P, Wang Q, Feng G, Liu B, Sun W, Li B, He G, Li W, Wan C, Xu Q, Li W, Wen Z, Liu K, Huang F, Ji J, Ripke S, Yue W, Sullivan PF, O’Donovan MC, Shi Y. Nat Genet. 2017 Nov;49(11):1576-1583. doi: 10.1038/ng.3973. Epub 2017 Oct 9. Read PDF »

Striatopallidal dysfunction underlies repetitive behavior in Shank3-deficient model of autism

Wang W, Li C, Chen Q, van der Goes MS, Hawrot J, Yao AY, Gao X, Lu C, Zang Y, Zhang Q, Lyman K, Wang D, Guo B, Wu S, Gerfen CR, Fu Z and Feng G. The Journal of clinical investigation. May 2017, 127(5):1978-1990, doi: 10.1172/JCI87997. Read PDF »

SHANK proteins: roles at the synapse and in autism spectrum disorder

Monteiro P and Feng G. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. Mar 2017, 18(3):147-157, doi: 10.1038/nrn.2016.183. Read PDF»

Chd8 mutation leads to autistic-like behaviors and impaired striatal circuits

Platt RJ, Zhou Y, Slaymaker IM, Shetty AS, Weisbach NR, Kim JA, Sharma J, Desai M, Sood S, Kempton HR, Crabtree GR, Feng G and Zhang F. Cell Reports. Apr 2017, 19(2):335-350, doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.03.052. Read PDF »

Animal models for neuropsychiatric disorders: prospects for circuit intervention

Kaiser T, Zhou Y and Feng G. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Apr 2017, 45:59-65, doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2017.03.010. Read PDF »


A viral strategy for targeting and manipulating interneurons across vertebrate species

Dimidschstein J, Chen Q, Tremblay R, Rogers SL, Saldi GA, Guo L, Xu Q, Liu R, Lu C, Chu J, Grimley JS, Krostag AR, Kaykas A, Avery MC, Rashid MS, Baek M, Jacob AL, Smith GB, Wilson DE, Kosche G, Kruglikov I, Rusielewicz T, Kotak VC, Mowery TM, Anderson SA, Callaway EM, Dasen JS, Fitzpatrick D, Fossati V, Long MA, Noggle S, Reynolds JH, Sanes DH, Rudy B, Feng G, Fishell G. Nature Neuroscience. Dec 2016, 19(12):1743-1749, doi: 10.1038/nn.4430. Read PDF »

Decreased Anxiety-Related Behaviour but Apparently Unperturbed NUMB Function in Ligand of NUMB Protein-X (LNX) 1/2 Double Knockout Mice

Lenihan JA, Saha O, Heimer-McGinn V, Cryan JF, Feng G and Young PW. Molecular Neurobiology. Nov 2016, doi: 10.1007/s12035-016-0261-0. Read PDF »

Direct modulation of GFAP-expressing glia in the arcuate nucleus bi-directionally regulates feeding

Chen N, Sugihara H, Kim J, Fu Z, Barak B, Sur M, Feng G and Han W. Molecular Neurobiology. Oct 2016;5. pii: e18716, doi: 10.7554/eLife.18716. Read PDF »

Opportunities and challenges in modeling human brain disorders in transgenic primates

Jennings CG, Landman R, Zhou Y, Sharma J, Hyman J, Movshon JA, Qiu Z, Roberts AC, Roe AW, Wang X, Zhou H, Wang L, Zhang F, Desimone R and Feng G. Nature Neuroscience. Aug 2016, 19(9):1123-30, doi: 10.1038/nn.4362. Read PDF »

Central Mechanisms Mediating Thrombospondin-4-induced Pain StatesAdult restoration of Shank3 expression rescues selective autistic-like phenotypes

Park J, Yu YP, Zhou CY, Li KW, Wang D, Chang E, Kim DS, Vo B, Zhang X, Gong N, Sharp K, Steward O, Vitko I, Perez-Reyes E, Eroglu C, Barres B, Zaucke F, Feng G and Luo ZD. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Jun 2016, 291(25):13335-48, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.723478. Read PDF »

Optogenetic visualization of presynaptic tonic inhibition of cerebellar parallel fibers

Berglund K, Wen L, Dunbar RL, Feng G and Augustine GJ. The Journal of Neuroscience. May 2016, 36(21):5709-23, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4366-15.2016. Read PDF »

Efficient production of cynomolgus monkeys with a toolbox of enhanced assisted reproductive technologies

Ma Y, Li J, Wang G, Ke Q, Qiu S, Gao L, Wan H, Zhou Y, Xiang AP, Huang Q, Feng G, Zhou Q and Yang S. Scientific Reports. May 2016, 6:25888, doi: 10.1038/srep25888. Read PDF »

Neurobiology of social behavior abnormalities in autism and Williams syndrome

Barak B and Feng G. Nature Neuroscience. Apr 2016, 19(6):647-55, doi: 10.1038/nn.4276. Read PDF »

Thalamic reticular impairment underlies attention deficit in Ptchd1(Y/-) mice

Wells MF, Wimmer RD, Schmitt LI, Feng G and Halassa MM. Nature. Apr 2016; 532(7597):58-63, doi: 10.1038/nature17427. Read PDF »

Optogenetic dissection of ictal propagation in the hippocampal-entorhinal cortex structures

Lu Y, Zhong C, Wang L, Wei P, He W, Huang K, Zhang Y, Zhan Y, Feng G and Wang L. Nature Communications. Mar 2016, 7:10962. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10962. Read PDF »

Adult restoration of Shank3 expression rescues selective autistic-like phenotypes

Mei Y, Monteiro P, Zhou Y, Kim JA, Gao X, Fu Z and Feng G. Nature. Feb 2016, 530(7591):481-4, doi: 10.1038/nature16971. Read PDF »

Impaired dendritic development and memory in Sorbs2 knock-out mice

Zhang Q, Gao X, Li C, Feliciano C, Wang D, Zhou D, Mei Y, Monteiro P, Anand M, Itohara S, Dong X, Fu Z and Feng G. The Journal of Neuroscience. Feb 2016, 36(7):2247-60, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2528-15.2016. Read PDF »

Mice with Shank3 mutations associated with ASD and schizophrenia display both shared and distinct defects

Zhou Y, Kaiser T, Monteiro P, Zhang X, Van der Goes MS, Wang D, Barak B, Zeng M, Li C, Lu C, Wells M, Amaya A, Nguyen S, Lewis M, Sanjana N, Zhou Y, Zhang M, Zhang F, Fu Z and Feng G. Neuron. Jan 2016, 89(1):147-62, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.11.023. Read PDF »

Striatal magnetic resonance spectroscopy abnormalities in young adult SAPAP3 knockout mice

Mintzopoulos D, Gillis TE, Robertson HR, Dalia T, Feng G, Rauch SL and Kaufman MJ. Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. Jan 2016, 1(1):39-48, doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2015.10.001. Read PDF »

Learning from animal models of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Monteiro P and Feng G. Biological Psychiatry. Jan 2016, 79(1):7-16, doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.04.020. Read PDF »


Modeling psychiatric disorders for developing effective treatments

Kaiser T and Feng G. Nature Medicine. Sep 2015, 21(9):979-88, doi: 10.1038/nm.3935. Read PDF »

CRISPR germline engineering–the community speaks

Bosley KS, Botchan M, Bredenoord AL, Carroll D, Charo RA, Charpentier E, Cohen R, Corn J, Doudna J, Feng G, Greely HT, Isasi R, Ji W, Kim JS, Knoppers B, Lanphier E, Li J, Lovell-Badge R, Martin GS, Moreno J, Naldini L, Pera M, Perry AC, Venter JC, Zhang F and Zhou Q. Nature Biotechnology. May 2015, 33(5):478-86, doi: 10.1038/nbt.3227. Read PDF »

Striatal circuits, habits, and implications for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Burguière E, Monteiro P, Mallet L, Feng G and Graybiel AM. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Feb 2015, 30:59-65, doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.08.008. Read PDF »


CRISPR-Cas9 knockin mice for genome editing and cancer modeling

Platt RJ, Chen S, Zhou Y, Yim MJ, Swiech L, Kempton HR, Dahlman JE, Parnas O, Eisenhaure TM, Jovanovic M, Graham DB, Jhunjhunwala S, Heidenreich M, Xavier RJ, Langer R, Anderson DG, Hacohen N, Regev A, Feng G, Sharp PA and Zhang F. Cell. Oct 2014, 159(2):440-55, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.09.014. Read PDF »

Sensory integration in mouse insular cortex reflects GABA circuit maturation

Gogolla N, Takesian AE, Feng G, Fagiolini M and Hensch TK. Neuron. Aug 2014, 83(4):894-905, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.06.033. Read PDF »

Acute brain slice methods for adult and aging animals: application of targeted patch clamp analysis and optogenetics

Ting JT, Daigle TL, Chen Q and Feng G. Methods in Molecular Biology. Jun 2014, 1183:221-42, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1096-0_14. Read PDF »

Genome-scale neurogenetics: methodology and meaning

McCarroll SA, Feng G and Hyman SE. Nature Neuroscience. 2014 Jun, 17(6):756-63, doi: 10.1038/nn.3716. Read PDF »

Genome-scale neurogenetics: methodology and meaning

McCarroll SA, Feng G and Hyman SE. Nature Neuroscience. 2014 Jun, 17(6):756-63, doi: 10.1038/nn.3716. Read PDF »

Circuit-selective striatal synaptic dysfunction in the Sapap3 knockout mouse model of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Wan Y, Ade KK, Caffall Z, Ilcim Ozlu M, Eroglu C, Feng G and Calakos N. Biological Psychiatry. Apr 2014, 75(8):623-30, doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.01.008. Read PDF »

Recombineering strategies for developing next generation BAC transgenic tools for optogenetics and beyond

Ting JT and Feng G. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. Apr 2014, 8:111, doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00111. Read PDF »

The role of muscle microRNAs in repairing the neuromuscular junction

Valdez G, Heyer MP, Feng G, Sanes JR. PLoS One. Mar 2014, 9(3):e93140, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093140. Read PDF »

Candidate genes and functional noncoding variants identified in a canine model of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Tang R, Noh HJ, Wang D, Sigurdsson S, Swofford R, Perloski M, Duxbury M, Patterson EE, Albright J, Castelhano M, Auton A, Boyko AR, Feng G, Lindblad-Toh K and Karlsson EK. Genome Biology. Mar 2014, 15(3):R25, doi: 10.1186/gb-2014-15-3-r25. Read PDF »

Selective activation of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons induces immediate sleep-wake transitions

Han Y, Shi YF, Xi W, Zhou R, Tan ZB, Wang H, Li XM, Chen Z, Feng G, Luo M, Huang ZL, Duan S and Yu YQ. Current Biology. Mar 2014, 24(6):693-8, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.011. Read PDF »

Flow of cortical activity underlying a tactile decision in mice

Guo ZV, Li N, Huber D, Ophir E, Gutnisky D, Ting JT, Feng G and Svoboda K. Neuron. Jan 2014, 81(1):179-94, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.10.020. Read PDF »


Next-generation transgenic mice for optogenetic analysis of neural circuits

Asrican B, Augustine GJ, Berglund K, Chen S, Chow N, Deisseroth K, Feng G, Gloss B, Hira R, Hoffmann C, Kasai H, Katarya M, Kim J, Kudolo J, Lee LM, Lo SQ, Mancuso J, Matsuzaki M, Nakajima R, Qiu L, Tan G, Tang Y, Ting JT, Tsuda S, Wen L, Zhang X and Zhao S. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. Nov 2013, 7:160, doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00160. Read PDF »

ChAT-ChR2-EYFP mice have enhanced motor endurance but show deficits in attention and several additional cognitive domains

Kolisnyk B, Guzman MS, Raulic S, Fan J, Magalhães AC, Feng G, Gros R, Prado VF and Prado MA. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 2013, 33(25):10427-38, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0395-13.2013. Read PDF »

Optogenetic stimulation of lateral orbitofronto-striatal pathway suppresses compulsive behaviors

Burguière E, Monteiro P, Feng G and Graybiel AM. Science. Jun 2013, 340(6137):1243-6, doi: 10.1126/science.1232380. Read PDF »

Cortical control of affective networks

Kumar S, Black SJ, Hultman R, Szabo ST, DeMaio KD, Du J, Katz BM, Feng G, Covington HE 3rd and Dzirasa K. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jan 2013, 33(3):1116-29, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0092-12.2013. Read PDF »


Monoacylglycerol lipase is a new therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease

Chen R, Zhang J, Wu Y, Wang D, Feng G, Tang Y, Teng Z, and Chen C. Cell Reports. Dec 2012, 2(5): 1329–1339, doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.09.030. Read PDF »

Cellular and synaptic network defects in autism

Peça J and Feng G. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Oct 2012, 22(5):866-72, doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2012.02.015. Read PDF »

Imaging neural activity using Thy1-GCaMP transgenic mice

Chen Q, Cichon J, Wang W, Qiu L, Lee SJ, Campbell NR, Destefino N, Goard MJ, Fu Z, Yasuda R, Looger LL, Arenkiel BR, Gan WB and Feng G. Neuron. Oct 2012, 76(2):297-308, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.07.011. Read PDF »

Normal midbrain dopaminergic neuron development and function in miR-133b mutant mice

Heyer MP, Pani AK, Smeyne RJ, Kenny PJ, Feng G. The Journal of Neuroscience. Aug 2012, 32(32):10887-94, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1732-12.2012. Read PDF »

Functional consequences of mutations in postsynaptic scaffolding proteins and relevance to psychiatric disorders

Ting JT, Peça J and Feng G. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Jul 2012, 35:49-71, doi: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-062111-150442. Read PDF »

Intersectional Cre driver lines generated using split-Intein mediated split-Cre reconstitution

Wang P, Chen C, Sakurai K, Han B, He Z, Feng G and Wanga F. Scientific Reports. Jul 2012, 2: 497, doi:  10.1038/srep00497. Read PDF »

A Transcription Activator-Like Effector (TALE) Toolbox for Genome Engineering

Sanjana N, Cong L, Zhou Y, Cunniff M, Feng G and Zhang F. Nature Protocols. Jan 2012, 7(1): 171–192, doi:  10.1038/nprot.2011.431. Read PDF »


Imaging synaptic inhibition with the genetically encoded chloride indicator Clomeleon

Berglund K, Kuner T, Feng G and Augustine GJ. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. Dec 2011, 2011(12):1492-7, doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot066985. Read PDF »

Neurobiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder: insights into neural circuitry dysfunction through mouse genetics

Ting JT and Feng G. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Dec 2011, 21(6):842-8, doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2011.04.010. Read PDF »

Sapap3 deletion causes mGluR5-dependent silencing of AMPAR synapses

Wan Y, Feng G and Calakos N. The Journal of Neuroscience. Nov 2011, 31(46):16685-91, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2533-11.2011. Read PDF »

Sustained axon regeneration induced by co-deletion of PTEN and SOCS3

Sun F, Park KK, Belin S, Wang D, Lu T, Chen G, Zhang K, Yeung C, Feng G, Yankner BA and He Z. Nature. Nov 2011, 6;480(7377):372-5, doi: 10.1038/nature10594. Read PDF »

Unfolding neurodevelopmental disorders: found in translation

Ting JT and Feng G. Nature Medicine. Nov 2011, 17(11):1352-3, doi: 10.1038/nm.2553. Read PDF »

SnapShot: Autism and the synapse

Peça J, Ting J and Feng G. Cell. Oct 2011, 147(3):706, 706.e1, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.10.015. Read PDF »

Cell-type specific optogenetic mice for dissecting neural circuitry function

Zhao S, Ting T, Atallah H, Qiu L, Tan J, Gloss B, Augustine G, Deisseroth K, Luo M, Graybiel A and Feng G. Nature Methods. Sep 2011, 8(9): 745–752. Read PDF »

Neuroscience: When lights take the circuits out

Peça J and Feng G. Nature. Sep 2011, 477(7363):165-6, doi: 10.1038/477165a. Read PDF »

Selective optical drive of thalamic reticular nucleus generates thalamic bursts and cortical spindles

Halassa MM, Siegle JH, Ritt JT, Ting JT, Feng G and Moore CI. Nature Neuroscience. Jul 2011, 14(9):1118-20, doi: 10.1038/nn.2880. Read PDF »

Sapap3 deletion anomalously activates short-term endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic plasticity

Chen M, Wan Y, Ade K, Ting J, Feng G and Calakos N. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 2011, 31(26):9563-73, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1701-11.2011. Read PDF »

Annual Research Review: Transgenic mouse models of childhood-onset psychiatric disorders

Robertson HR and Feng G. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Apr 2011, 52(4):442-75, doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02380.x. Read PDF »

Shank3 mutant mice display autistic-like behaviours and striatal dysfunction

Peça J, Feliciano C, Ting JT, Wang W, Wells MF, Venkatraman TN, Lascola CD, Fu Z and Feng G. Nature. Apr 2011, 28;472(7344):437-42, doi: 10.1038/nature09965. Read PDF »

Habenula “cholinergic” neurons co-release glutamate and acetylcholine and activate postsynaptic neurons via distinct transmission modes

Ren J, Qin C, Hu F, Tan J, Qiu L, Zhao S, Feng G and Luo M. Neuron. Feb 2011, 69(3):445-52, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.12.038. Read PDF »

Pulse labeling and long-term tracing of newborn neurons in the adult subgranular zone

Cheng X, Li Y, Huang Y, Feng X, Feng G and Xiong ZQ. Cell Research. Feb 2011, 21(2):338-49, doi: 10.1038/cr.2010.141. Read PDF »


Fluorescent labeling of newborn dentate granule cells in GAD67-GFP transgenic mice: a genetic tool for the study of adult neurogenesis

Zhao S, Zhou Y, Gross J, Miao P, Qiu L, Wang D, Chen Q and Feng G. PLoS One. Sep 2010, 5(9). pii: e12506, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012506. Read PDF »

Progressive NKCC1-dependent neuronal chloride accumulation during neonatal seizures

Dzhala VI, Kuchibhotla KV, Glykys JC, Kahle KT, Swiercz WB, Feng G, Kuner T, Augustine GJ, Bacskai BJ and Staley KJ. The Journal of Neuroscience. Sep 2010, 30(35):11745-61, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1769-10.2010. Read PDF »

Visual function in mice with photoreceptor degeneration and transgenic expression of channelrhodopsin 2 in ganglion cells

Thyagarajan S, van Wyk M, Lehmann K, Löwel S, Feng G and Wässle H. The Journal of neuroscience. Jun 2010, 30(26):8745-58, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4417-09.2010. Read PDF »


Differences in cortical vs. subcortical GABAergic signaling: a candidate mechanism of electroclinical dissociation of neonatal seizures

Glykys J, Dzhala VI, Kuchibhotla KV, Feng G, Kuner T, Augustine G, Bacskai BJ and Staley KJ. Neuron. Sep 2009, 63(5): 657–672, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.08.022. Read PDF »

Genetic perturbation of postsynaptic activity regulates synapse elimination in developing cerebellum

Lorenzetto E, Caselli L, Feng G, Yuan W, Nerbonne JM, Sanes JR and Buffelli M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Sep 2009, 106(38):16475-80, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0907298106. Read PDF »

Downregulation of NR3A-containing NMDARs is required for synapse maturation and memory consolidation

Roberts AC, Díez-García J, Rodriguiz RM, López IP, Luján R, Martínez-Turrillas R, Picó E, Henson MA, Bernardo DR, Jarrett TM, Clendeninn DJ, López-Mascaraque L, Feng G, Lo DC, Wesseling JF, Wetsel WC, Philpot BD and Pérez-Otaño I. Neuron. Aug 2009, 63(3):342-56, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.06.016. Read PDF »

Enhanced pre-synaptic glutamate release in deep-dorsal horn contributes to calcium channel alpha-2-delta-1 protein-mediated spinal sensitization and behavioral hypersensitivity

Nguyen D, Deng P, Matthews EA, Kim DS, Feng G, Dickenson AH, Xu ZC and Luo ZD. Molecular Pain. Feb 2009, 5:6, doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-5-6. Read PDF »


Glutamatergic synaptic dysfunction and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Ting JT and Feng G. Current Chemical Genomics. Dec 2008, 2: 62–75, doi: 10.2174/1875397300802010062. Read PDF »

Imaging synaptic inhibition throughout the brain via genetically targeted Clomeleon

Berglund K, Schleich W, Wang H, Feng G, Hall WC, Kuner T and Augustine GJ. Brain Cell Biology. Aug 2008, 36(1-4):101-18, doi: 10.1007/s11068-008-9031-x. Read PDF »

Improved expression of halorhodopsin for light-induced silencing of neuronal activity

Zhao S, Cunha C, Zhang F, Liu Q, Gloss B, Deisseroth K, Augustine GJ and Feng G. Brain Cell Biology. Aug 2008, 36(1-4):141-54, doi: 10.1007/s11068-008-9034-7. Read PDF »

Single-neuron labeling with inducible Cre-mediated knockout in transgenic mice

Young P, Qiu L, Wang D, Zhao S, Gross J and Feng G. Nature Neuroscience. Jun 2008, 11(6):721-8, doi: 10.1038/nn.2118. Read PDF »


Cortico-striatal synaptic defects and OCD-like behaviours in Sapap3-mutant mice

Welch JM, Lu J, Rodriguiz RM, Trotta NC, Peca J, Ding JD, Feliciano C, Chen M, Adams JP, Luo J, Dudek SM, Weinberg RJ, Calakos N, Wetsel WC and Feng G. Nature. Aug 2007, 448(7156):894-900, doi: 10.1038/nature06104. Read PDF »

In vivo light-induced activation of neural circuitry in transgenic mice expressing channelrhodopsin-2

Arenkiel BR, Peca J, Davison IG, Feliciano C, Deisseroth K, Augustine GJ, Ehlers MD and Feng G. Neuron. Apr 2007 Apr, 54(2):205-18, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2007.03.005. Read PDF »

Next-generation optical technologies for illuminating genetically targeted brain circuits

Deisseroth K, Feng G, Majewska AK, Miesenböck G, Ting A and Schnitzer MJ. The Journal of Neuroscience. Oct 2006, 26(41):10380-6, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3863-06.2006. Read PDF »

Regulation of synaptic growth and maturation by a synapse-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase at the neuromuscular junction

Lu Z, Je HS, Young P, Gross J, Lu B and Feng G. The Journal of Cell Biology. Jun 2007, 177(6):1077-89, doi: 10.1083/jcb.200610060. Read PDF »

The histone deacetylase HDAC4 connects neural activity to muscle transcriptional reprogramming

Cohen TJ, Waddell DS, Barrientos T, Lu Z, Feng G, Cox GA, Bodine SC and Yao TP. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Nov 2007, 282(46):33752-9, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M706268200. Read PDF »


Calcium channel α2δ1 subunit mediates spinal hyperexcitability in pain modulation

Li C, Zhang X, Matthews E, Li K, Kurwa A, Boroujerdi A, Gross J, Gold MS, Dickenson AH, Feng G and Luo D. Pain. Nov 2006, 125(1-2): 20–34, doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2006.04.022. Read PDF »

Dynamic remodeling of dendritic arbors in GABAergic interneurons of adult visual cortex

Lee WA, Huang H, Feng G, Sanes JR, Brown EN, So PT and Nedivi E. PLoS Biology. Feb 2006, 4(2): e29, doi:  10.1371/journal.pbio.0040029. Read PDF »

Imaging synaptic inhibition in transgenic mice expressing the chloride indicator, Clomeleon

Berglund K, Schleich W, Krieger P, Loo LS, Wang D, Cant NB, Feng G, Augustine GJ and Kuner T. Brain Cell Biology. Dec 2006, 35(4-6): 207–228, doi: 10.1007/s11068-008-9019-6. Read PDF »

In vivo imaging of juxtaglomerular neuron turnover in the mouse olfactory bulb

Mizrahi A1, Lu J, Irving R, Feng G and Katz LC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Feb 2006, 103(6):1912-7, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0506297103. Read PDF »

Two-photon imaging reveals somatodendritic chloride gradient in retinal ON-type bipolar cells expressing the biosensor Clomeleon

Duebel J, Haverkamp S, Schleich W, Feng G, Augustine GJ, Kuner T and Euler T. Neuron. Jan 2006, 49(1):81-94,  doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2005.10.035. Read PDF »


Close homolog of L1 modulates area-specific neuronal positioning and dendrite orientation in the cerebral cortex

Demyanenko GP, Schachner M, Anton E, Schmid R, Feng G, Sanes J and Maness PF. Neuron. Oct 2004, 44(3):423-37, 10.1016/j.neuron.2004.10.016. Read PDF »

NX1 is a perisynaptic Schwann cell specific E3 ubiquitin ligase that interacts with ErbB2

Young P, Nie J, Wang X, McGlade CJ, Rich MM and Feng G. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. Oct 2005, 30(2):238-48, 10.1016/j.mcn.2005.07.015. Read PDF »

Ubiquilin-1 regulates nicotine-induced up-regulation of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

Ficklin MB, Zhao S and Feng G. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Oct 2005, 280(40):34088-95, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M506781200. Read PDF »

Lamina-specific distribution of Synaptopodin, an actin-associated molecule essential for the spine apparatus, in identified principal cell dendrites of the mouse hippocampus

Bas Orth C, Vlachos A, Del Turco D, Burbach GJ, Haas CA, Mundel P, Feng G, Frotscher M and Deller T. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Jul 2005, 487(3):227-39, doi: 10.1002/cne.20539. Read PDF »

The primordial, blue-cone color system of the mouse retina

Haverkamp S, Wässle H, Duebel J, Kuner T, Augustine GJ, Feng G and Euler T. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 2005, 25(22):5438-45, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1117-05.2005. Read PDF »


Labeling neurons in vivo for morphological and functional studies

Young P and Feng G. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Oct 2004, 14(5):642-6, doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2004.08.007. Read PDF »

Differential mRNA expression and protein localization of the SAP90/PSD-95-associated proteins (SAPAPs) in the nervous system of the mouse

Welch JM, Wang D and Feng G. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Apr 2004, 472(1):24-39, doi: 10.1002/cne.20060. Read PDF »

PSD93 regulates synaptic stability at neuronal cholinergic synapses

Parker MJ, Zhao S, Bredt DS, Sanes JR and Feng G. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jan 2004, 24(2):378-88, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3865-03.2004. Read PDF »


Functional characterization of a neuropeptide F-like receptor from Drosophila melanogaste

Feng G, Reale V, Chatwin H, Kennedy K, Venard R, Ericsson C, Yu K, Evans PD and Hall LM. The European Journal of Neuroscience. Jul 2003, 18(2):227-38. Read PDF »

Genetic evidence that relative synaptic efficacy biases the outcome of synaptic competition

Buffelli M, Burgess RW, Feng G, Lobe CG, Lichtman JW and Sanes JR. Nature. Jul 2003, 424(6947):430-4, doi: 10.1038/nature01844. Read PDF »

Postsynaptic requirement for Abl kinases in assembly of the neuromuscular junction

Finn AJ, Feng G and Pendergast AM. Nature Neuroscience. Jul 2003, 6(7):717-23, doi: 10.1038/nn1071. Read PDF »

Synaptic dynamism measured over minutes to months: age-dependent decline in an autonomicganglion

Gan WB, Kwon E, Feng G, Sanes JR and Lichtman JW. Nature Neuroscience. Sep 2003, 6(9):956-60, doi: 10.1038/nn1115. Read PDF »


Long-term in Vivo imaging of experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in adult cortex

Trachtenberg J, Chen BE, Knott GW, Feng G, Sanes JR, Welker E and Svoboda K. Nature. Dec 2002, 420 (6917), 788-794, doi: 10.1038/nature01273. Read PDF »


Asynchronous synapse elimination in neonatal motor units: studies using GFP transgenic mice

Keller-Peck CR, Walsh MK, Gan WB, Feng G, Sanes JR and Lichtman JW. Neuron. Aug 2001, 31(3):381-94, doi: 10.1016/S0896-6273(01)00383-X. Read PDF »

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor administration in postnatal life results in motor unit enlargement and continuous synaptic remodeling at the neuromuscular junction

Keller-Peck CR, Feng G, Sanes JR, Yan Q, Lichtman JW and Snider WD. The Journal of Neuroscience. Aug 2001, 21(16):6136-46. Read PDF »

Gephyrin-independent clustering of postsynaptic GABA(A) receptor subtypes

Kneussel M, Brandstätter JH, Gasnier B, Feng G, Sanes JR and Betz H. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. Jun 2001, 17(6):973-82, doi: 10.1006/mcne.2001.0983. Read PDF »


Imaging neuronal subsets in transgenic mice expressing multiple spectral variants of GFP

Feng G, Mellor RH, Bernstein M, Keller-Peck C, Nguyen QT, Wallace M, Nerbonne JM, Lichtman JW, Sanes JR. Neuron. Oct 2000, 28(1):41-51. Read PDF »

Autoimmunity to gephyrin in Stiff-Man syndrome

Butler MH, Hayashi A, Ohkoshi N, Villmann C, Becker CM, Feng G, De Camilli P and Solimena M. Neuron. May 2000, 26(2):307-12. Read PDF »

Roles for ephrins in positionally selective synaptogenesis between motor neurons and muscle fibers

Feng G, Laskowski MB, Feldheim DA, Wang H, Lewis R, Frisen J, Flanagan JG and Sanes JR. Neuron. Feb 2000, 5(2):295-306. Read PDF »


Genetic analysis of collagen Q: roles in acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase assembly and in synaptic structure and function

Feng G, Krejci E, Molgo J, Cunningham JM, Massoulié J and Sanes JR. The Journal of Cell Biology. Mar 1999, 144(6):1349-60. Read PDF »

Synapse formation by hippocampal neurons from agrin-deficient mice

Serpinskaya AS, Feng G, Sanes JR and Craig AM. Developmental Biology. Jan 1999, 205(1):65-78, doi: 10.1006/dbio.1998.9112. Read PDF »


Dual requirement for gephyrin in glycine receptor clustering and molybdoenzyme activity

Feng G, Tintrup H, Kirsch J, Nichol MC, Kuhse J, Betz H and Sanes JR. Science. Nov 1998, 282(5392):1321-4. Read PDF »

Rapsyn clusters neuronal acetylcholine receptors but is inessential for formation of an interneuronal cholinergic synapse

Feng G, Steinbach JH and Sanes JR. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 1998, 18(11):4166-76. Read PDF »

Genetic and developmental characterization of Dmca1D, a calcium channel alpha1 subunit gene in Drosophila melanogaster

Eberl DF, Ren D, Feng G, Lorenz LJ, Van Vactor D and Hall LM. Genetics. Mar 1998, 148(3):1159-69. Read PDF »


Cloning and functional characterization of a novel dopamine receptor from Drosophila melanogaster

Feng G, Hannan F, Reale V, Hon YY, Kousky CT, Evans PD and Hall LM. The Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 1996, 16(12):3925-33. Read PDF »


Inhibition of brain protein kinase C subtypes by lead

Murakami K, Feng G and Chen SG. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Oct 1992, 264(2):757-61. Read PDF »

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